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What shape trampoline should I buy?

One of the main decisions you will need to make when it comes to picking a trampoline is the shape, and which shape will be best for your kids.

The traditional round trampoline is the most popular trampoline design, closely followed by rectangular and oval models, that will often produce a firmer, higher and more even bounce, while round models tend to bring the users toward the centre and away from the springs and edge.


Trampoline Shapes

 Round Rectangular Oval
Round trampolines are the most popular trampoline design on the market and are widely considered the safest, as this configuration brings users back toward the centre of the trampoline and away from the edge and springs. The highest bounce is achieved in the centre of the trampoline. Rectangular trampolines are the original shape for trampolines and can be traced all the way back to the 1930s. It’s still popular to this day and is often a popular choice for professional gymnastics. Oval trampolines combine the benefits of both round and rectangular trampolines moving the user towards the centre away from the edges and springs, and also offering a more elongated jumping area for stunts and tricks, and are very popular with gymnasts.

So, What Shape Is Best When Shopping for A New Trampoline?

Round, Oval & Rectangular Trampolines - Comparison Table

 Round Oval Rectangular
Traditional design, considered by some to be the most attractive combines benefits of round and rectangular higher, more even bounce across the trampoline
can be more economically priced has the wow factor as a more unusual shape may fit your garden better depending on shape and dimensions
safer for young kids - brings users toward centre of trampoline aways from springs and edge more room for jumps and tricks very popular with gymnasts and for kids who like tricks and stunts


There are various benefits to the main choices which are oval, round and rectangle. To make it easier to choose between them, here is our guide to what shape trampoline you should buy for your family.

Oval Trampolines

When you look at different shapes of trampolines, you will find that one choice that keeps popping up is the oval design. This popular design of trampoline has come into the mainstream market over the last decade or so.

Oval trampolines combine the benefits of both round and rectangular trampolines moving the user towards the centre away from the edges and springs, and also offering a more elongated jumping area for stunts and tricks, and are very popular with gymnasts.

A lot of families like this option as it’s an in-between choice of a round and a rectangle design.

Benefits of Oval Trampolines

1. Good for two people

An oval design is a great choice for a family with two kids because two people are safely able to use this type of trampoline at the same time. Unlike other trampolines where both are pulled into the centre, the oval design has two separate bouncing areas at each end of the trampoline.

So while one child is bouncing at one end, another child can safely bounce at the other end. The springs also are designed to pull them back into their own zone if they do bounce out too close to each other.

This two bouncing zone is great for multiple child families and also if the child has friends around, they both can use it safely without the chance of an accident.

2. Easier to fit in the garden

Another reason why you might want to go for an oval trampoline for your garden is that it will take up less room than other designs.

Other shapes might take up more room and are harder to place in an area of the garden. With an oval design, they use less space and can be placed in an area, so that it doesn’t stand out as much in the garden.

3. Ideal for younger kids

You also might want to invest in an oval trampoline for your garden if you have young children. If they are going to experience bouncing for the first time, you will want to be with them if they are going to use a larger trampoline than a toddler size.

With an oval-shaped trampoline, there is plenty of room for two people so an adult can jump alongside the youngster to ensure they stay safe and enjoy the experience.

They are also often chosen as its safe when it comes to bouncing with small children.

4. Extra surface for bouncing

Another reason why an oval trampoline might be a top choice for you is that they have a lot more room for bouncing. This shape offers a lot more surface enabling you to bounce as much as you want to on the trampoline.


Rectangular Trampolines

Another shape available when it comes to trampolines is the rectangle shape.

Rectangular trampolines are the original shape for trampolines and can be traced all the way back to the 1930s. It’s still popular to this day and is often a popular choice for professional gymnastics.

 Most Popular Trampoline Shapes


Benefits of Rectangular Trampolines

1. Great for gymnastics

While the round and oval trampoline tend to be more for families, the rectangle trampoline is often used by professional gymnastics.

The shape is great for training purposes and allows plenty of room for gymnastics to practice their routine. It’s ideal for them to use this in their property rather than have to go to the gym or the local trampoline park to train. In fact rectangle trampolines are used for competitive training. 

2. Ideal for high bouncing

 If you want to bounce to the highest level possible, you should look at a rectangle trampoline. They offer high bouncing which is perfect for performing various tricks. It’s also ideal if you have a member of your family who is into gymnastics and wants to practice at home.

With a central area that offers a great spot for bouncing, they will love using this fantastic shape.


3. Large surface area

Another reason why the rectangle trampoline could be ideal for your family is that it has a large surface area. The shape offers plenty of room for your children to bounce away in your garden safely.

4. Heavy-duty frame

Safety is also a key point when it comes to a rectangle-shaped trampoline. It has a good, heavy-duty frame to support it to ensure that it stands in a prime position in your garden and keeps your family members safe.


Round Trampolines

The most common trampoline shape that you will see in gardens across your street is round. This popular choice of shape makes a great trampoline for families and individuals who love to bounce.

Round trampolines are the most popular trampoline design on the market and are widely considered the safest, as this configuration brings users back toward the centre of the trampoline and away from the edge and springs. The highest bounce is achieved in the centre of the trampoline.


The Trampoline Shapes That Your Kids Will Love Most

Benefits of Round Trampolines

1. Ideal for one person

One of the top reasons why you might want to go for a round trampoline is that it’s perfect for an individual. With a design that means the person in the middle can bounce safely and with great power, the trampoline is perfect for your child. It’s perfect if you have one child who wants to use the trampoline.


2. Most Attractive Design

Out of all the shapes, the round is often said to be the most visually appealing. The design is a popular choice for families and is often picked first out of all the other shapes. It does take a lot less room than other shapes too.


3. Most Economically Priced

A round trampoline is also a good choice because it’s more cost-effective than the other designs. If you have a budget, then this round shape is a good option for your family.

The reason it’s often cheaper than other shapes is that it tends to have a smaller weight limit and also is a lightweight frame that costs less to make.


4. High bounce

The springs on a round trampoline help to produce a powerful bounce if stood on the right area of the trampoline.

You can bounce high and strong on a round trampoline which makes it a popular choice for families and those looking into trying out for competitive gymnastics.

To find out more about the wide range of trampolines on offer at Trampolines Ireland phone 01 960 1641.