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So, Who Recently Bought A BERG Trampoline on the Irish Rubgy Team?

If A BERG Can Handle The Irish Rugby Guys, Well Then Your Kids Will Be Fine! 

Irish Rugby Player Buys A BERG at Trampolines Ireland

So Which One of These Guys Recently Bought a BERG Trampoline?

We're watching the rugby today and they're doing fantastic against Wales.

We've have a lot of high-profile people invest in trampolines and outdoor toys with Trampolines Ireland and one of the more well-known was one of the top players with the Irish Ruby team.

We hope to share more on that soon, once we have that permission.


1. So, who you think recently bought a BERG?

(Because if it can handle one of these guys then it will certainly be able to handle your little angels ;-)

2. What do you think they bought?

3. what do you think next tickled their fancy from the BERG range -

(a) another trampoline,

(b) a BERG Go Kart, or

(c) a new BERG Playbase climbing frame?

More info coming soon..