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Trampolines for Teenagers: Best Trampolines for Teenage Kids

Understanding what your teenage kids will or will not like or consider "sick" can be a real moving target, and very difficult to land on. But we have found that trampolines normally tick all the boxes.

Although, your teenagers will want to go to discos and to hang out with their friends, and may not be just as interested in family days out, in our experience the trampoline remains extremely popular with kids throughout their teenage years.

trampolines for teenage kids

Tips for Buying A Trampoline for Your Teenagers

1. Robust & Durable

Teenagers are rapidly growing into young adults and as they get bigger and heavier its important that your trampoline is fit for the job.

You can view the trampoline weight limits here.

We sell a wide range of premium quality trampolines from BERG, Springfree, Etan and EXIT and we would be pleased to assist you in your decision.

As we all know the trampoline manufacturers recommend one user at a time, but this may not always be achievable and so its important that your trampoline is strong enough to comfortably manage the weight of two or three teenagers.

Weights of Average Teenagers By Age

13 7st 1.9lb (45.3 kg) 7st 3lb (45.8 kg)
14 7st 14lb (50.8 kg) 7st 6.9lb (47.6 kg)
15 8st 11.5lb (56 kg) 8st 2.9lb (52.1 kg)
16 9st 8lb (60.8 kg) 8st 5.9lb (53.5 kg)




2. Matching the Trampoline to the Teenager

As our children grow up they start to form their own opinions, especially around what is best for them, and what they want. There can be a lot of different trampoline options and if you're considering investing in a trampoline for your teenage kids, then we definitely recommend consulting them before you push the button, to get their input.

Considerations before you choose a model for your teenage kids - 

(a) which shape do they prefer - 

rectangular or oval for gymnastics, somersaults and cartwheels, or

round or square for safety and fun.

(b) with or without a safety net

Safety nets are definitely recommended for younger kids, but inground and flatground trampolines are available without safety nets and we have to say that they are definitely that little bit more accessible and you or your teenage kids may find that it can be hard to walk past without having a bounce.

(c) above ground or inground/ flatground

This may depend on your garden but getting some help from your teenage kids to prepare the hole and then build the trampoline could be something of a bonding experience, and will certainly give them some extra pride in the finished product.

Trampolines for Teenagers for Fitness And Fun

As our lifestyles and those of our teenagers become increasingly sedentary, time spent on the trampoline can be a great way to increase overall health and fitness and to have fun at the same time.

Trampolining Burns More Calories Than Running

Did you know that trampoline jumping burns more calories than running.
Victor L. Katch at the University of Michigan found that a 150 pound person/ 68kg/ 10st 9' burns 71 calories jogging and 82 calories on the trampoline.

Activity Calories Burnt
Running 71
Trampolining 82


If It's Good Enough for NASA Astronauts...

A NASA study found that 10 minutes of jumping on a trampoline is the equivalent of a 30 minute run. The fact is exercising on a trampoline take less time than running.

To discuss the options that we have that will be suitable for your teenage kids please phone us on 0 1960 1641.