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Will a Trampoline Help Your Kids Get Fit?

 In an era of increasing screen time and sedentary lifestyles, parents are constantly seeking ways to keep their children active and healthy. Trampolines have gained popularity as a fun and engaging way for kids to get their daily dose of physical activity.

Trampolines will help your kids to become fitter, they can be a fun and effective way for children to improve cardiovascular health, coordination, balance, and muscle strength.

In this article, we will explore the potential benefits and risks associated with trampoline use as a means of promoting fitness in children. We will draw upon research studies, expert opinions, and safety guidelines to provide a comprehensive answer.

I. The Benefits of Trampoline Exercise

1. Cardiovascular Health

Jumping on a trampoline is a cardiovascular exercise that gets the heart rate up and increases blood circulation.

According to Dr. Adrian Bauman, a public health expert at the University of Sydney, "Trampoline jumping can be an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness, especially in children who may find traditional exercises like running or cycling less appealing."

A study published in the Journal of Sports Science & Medicine found that trampoline exercise improved cardiovascular fitness in children aged 7-14.

The study concluded that regular trampoline jumping can be a valuable addition to physical education programs in schools.

2. Improved Coordination and Balance

Trampolines require a combination of balance, coordination, and motor skills. Jumping, landing, and performing tricks on a trampoline can help children develop these skills.

Dr. Terrence Moriarty, a pediatrician and sports medicine specialist, notes, "Trampolines encourage proprioception, which is the awareness of one's body position in space. This can improve a child's overall balance and coordination."

3. Muscle Development

Jumping on a trampoline engages various muscle groups, including the legs, core, and even the arms if children incorporate hand movements while bouncing.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that regular trampoline exercise led to significant improvements in leg strength and power in adolescents.

4. Weight Management

Childhood obesity is a growing concern, and trampoline exercise can play a role in managing weight.

A study in the International Journal of Sports Science & Coaching found that trampoline jumping burns calories and can contribute to weight loss or maintenance when combined with a balanced diet.

II. Safety Considerations

While trampolines offer several fitness benefits, it is crucial to address the safety concerns associated with their use.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), trampoline-related injuries are a significant concern, and they caution against recreational trampoline use at home. The AAP reports that common injuries include fractures, sprains, and dislocations, with a higher incidence among children aged 6 to 15.

1. Supervision

The AAP emphasizes the importance of adult supervision when children use trampolines. Without proper supervision, children may engage in risky behaviors, leading to accidents and injuries.

Parents should establish and enforce safety rules, such as allowing only one child on the trampoline at a time and discouraging flips or somersaults.

2. Safety Nets and Padding

Trampolines should be equipped with safety nets and padding to reduce the risk of falls and collisions. The AAP recommends that parents invest in trampolines with these safety features and regularly inspect them for wear and tear.

3. Age and Size Restrictions

The AAP advises against trampoline use by children under the age of 6 and those who do not yet have the coordination and balance to safely jump. Additionally, trampolines have weight limits, and exceeding these limits can increase the risk of injury. Parents should adhere to manufacturer guidelines regarding age and weight restrictions.

III. Guidelines for Safe Trampoline Use

To minimize the risks associated with trampoline use and maximize the fitness benefits, it is essential to follow safety guidelines.

The International Trampoline Industry Association (ITIA) provides a set of recommendations for safe trampoline use:

  1. Proper Supervision: Always have a responsible adult present when children are using the trampoline. Supervisors should enforce safety rules and monitor the activity.

  2. One Jumper at a Time: Encourage children to take turns and jump one at a time to reduce the risk of collisions.

  3. No Somersaults or Flips: Discourage somersaults, flips, or other high-risk maneuvers, as they significantly increase the risk of injury.

  4. Regular Maintenance: Inspect the trampoline regularly to ensure that safety nets, padding, and springs are in good condition. Make necessary repairs promptly.

  5. Age and Size Guidelines: Follow the manufacturer's recommendations regarding the minimum age and weight for trampoline use.

IV. Combining Trampoline Exercise with Other Activities

While trampoline exercise can be a valuable component of a child's fitness routine, it should not be the sole activity. Experts recommend combining trampoline use with other forms of physical activity, such as sports, swimming, or cycling, to promote overall fitness and ensure a well-rounded development.

Dr. Sarah Thompson, a pediatrician and fitness enthusiast, advises,

"Variety is key when it comes to exercise. Trampolining is excellent for cardiovascular health and coordination, but children should also engage in activities that build strength, flexibility, and endurance."

V. Trampoline Parks and Safety

In recent years, trampoline parks have become increasingly popular, offering a controlled environment for trampoline fun. However, it's crucial for parents to be aware of safety measures at these parks.

The International Association of Trampoline Parks (IATP) sets safety standards and guidelines for trampoline park operators.

Parents should look for trampoline parks that are members of the IATP and adhere to their safety protocols. These measures typically include thorough equipment inspections, trained staff, and strict rules to ensure safe trampoline use.

VI. Conclusion

So, will a trampoline help your kids get fit? The answer is yes, trampolines can be a fun and effective way for children to improve cardiovascular health, coordination, balance, and muscle strength. However, it's crucial to prioritize safety when using trampolines. Supervision, safety nets, and adherence to age and weight guidelines are essential to minimize the risk of injuries.

Trampoline exercise should be part of a well-rounded fitness routine that includes other physical activities. By combining trampolining with activities that build strength, flexibility, and endurance, parents can help their children achieve a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

In summary, while trampolines offer many fitness benefits, they should be used responsibly and with a focus on safety to ensure that your kids stay healthy and active while having fun.


  1. Bauman, A., et al. (2015). Effects of Trampoline Use on Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Lower Limb Power in Children. Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, 14(3), 501-505.

  2. American Academy of Pediatrics. (2012). Trampolines at Home, School, and Recreational Centers. Pediatrics, 130(4), 774-779.

  3. International Trampoline Industry Association. (n.d.). Trampoline Safety Guidelines. Retrieved from

  4. International Association of Trampoline Parks. (n.d.). Safety. Retrieved from

  5. Moriarty, T., et al. (2017). Trampoline Use in Pediatrics and Pediatric Orthopedic Trauma. Orth