Do You Need Permission to Buy A Trampoline [in Ireland?]
Its funny but its true, (not all of the time) but a lot of the time when dads or mums are thinking about buying a trampoline, they will run it past the wife or husband.
Permission From the Wife/ Husband
We understand, it can be a pretty big commitment, so taking a minute to make sure that you both agree, and that it won't become a source of friction does make sense but we do get some funny ones.
Often we will get an query from our contact form and we will respond with a phone call as that can help to narrow down the options pretty quickly, and it does.
Sometimes we need to ask a question like - "do you prefer green or grey?"
Common Responses
"oh, I need to check that with the boss"
"that's above my pay grade"
"I will talk with my boss and see if she gives me the clearance!!"
and so on.
Even Keith Alexander, the inventor of the Springfree Trampoline needed permission from the wife, as he explains here.
Do You Need Planning Permission for a Trampoline in Ireland?
You don't need planning permission for a trampoline installation in Ireland or Northern Ireland, but it can pay to be respectful of your neighbour's privacy so that might be something to bear in mind, when deciding where to locate your trampoline.
Other Permissions That You Might Need
Permission from Your Landlord
If you're living in rented accommodation and you want an inground or flatground trampoline installation, then you might need to get permission from your Landlord before you dig the hole for the trampoline.
Provided that you agree to fill the hole when your tenanacy ends, most Landlords are reasonably agreeable with this request in our experience.
On the whole, you normally don't need formal permission to buy and install a trampoline in your own garden, beyond agreeing it with your spouse and keeping the privacy of your neighbours in mind.