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Bounce for Autism Comes to Casa Caterina School Cabra Dublin

We're delighted to announce a new trampoline for Casa Caterina Special School, Cabra, Dublin as part of our Bounce for Autism Campaign.

casa caterina special school cabra, dublin

Who Is Casa Caterina Special School Cabra?

As the Principal of Casa Caterina, Sue Cassidy kindly shared with us -

Casa Caterina is a Special School for children (aged 4 to 12 years) with either a diagnosis of severe emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD) or a diagnosis of autism.

Fostering a positive school culture is central to our school. Our aim is to help children feel a sense of belonging, to enjoy learning and to be optimistic about their education and future potential to achieve.

The school currently has six classes. Each class caters for generally 6 children with a pupil teacher ratio of 6:1. All the staff are committed, enthusiastic and work together to promote children's spiritual, educational, emotional and overall well-being.

We are located in Dublin 7 and while we do have some local children, a lot of our student body travel quite a distance to school every day. 

How A New Trampoline Can Benefit the Pupils at Casa Caterina

It will be amazing to have somewhere for them to expend energy or just to enjoy themselves. 

To find out more about the fantastic work that gets done every day at Casa Caterina Special School, Cabra, Dublin please visit -

To find out more about how you might be able to support the Bounce for Autism Program please contact us on 01 960 1641.