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Big Shout Out to Charlie from Dalkey

We're super pleased to see that the generous and welcoming spirit of the Irish is still alive and well in Dalkey, Dublin.

To get straight to the point, one of our customers, Louise got in touch recently because they needed a new trampoline. Louise's adult son, Jody had been using their old trampoline for a few hours every day for about the last twenty years and it was time for a refresh.

Jody has autism and doesn't like a lot of variation so it was very important for both Jody and his mum that the trampoline that they purchased delivered a satisfactory bounce.

Now, as you might guess that didn't mean satisfactory for the staff at Trampolines Ireland, (sat in their comfy chairs) - that meant satisfactory for Jody, who will use it for a few hours every day for the next twenty years. 

So we needed to find someone who could help out by giving Jody a test bounce, and we're delighted to share that Charlie from Dalkey stepped up to accommodate Jody.

The bottom line is that Jody loved it and has ordered a model exactly the same as Charlie's - the BERG Ultim Champion 8x13ft with Deluxe Safety Net in green (Jody likes green).

When it arrives Jody is going to send us some pictures so we look forward to sharing those in due course.

Thanks again to Charlie ;-) and they all lived happily ever after!

*Names changed to protect privacy.